Choose Inspiration. Choose Empowerment. Choose uCodeGirl.
uCodeGirl is an opportunity to invest in our collective future.
Your gift can be the difference between a girl pursuing her passion for technology, or choosing a path that leaves her potential untapped. Supporting the girls in our community now, makes a profound difference in the lives of these young minds that can grow up to be the next world-changers in the technology field.
When you give the amount you desire, leaders are created, potentials incubated, and communities thrive.
Yes! I will donate a tax deductible gift.
“I want to help provide an opportunity to young ladies to build the confidence and experience that I didn’t have until later in my life.”
“Thank you for the opportunity that uCodeGirl summer camp has given to my daughter. She loved it and can’t wait to go again next year. It is so nice for her to have opportunities to just be a kid, learn, make friends, and have fun. I cannot thank you enough!” — Briana Zimara, Parent of Andrea