Computer ScienceEducation week dec 4-10, 2017 (10).png






3rd Annual Crack-the-Code: Tech Camp for Girls

Learn to code in different languages, spark your data science and cyber security knowledge, and solve real-world problems!

Our summer tech camp provides girls with project-based, hands-on experience with technology that inspires creativity, fosters collaboration, sharpens communication, and cultivates critical thinking. Different camp sessions allow young girls to choose their own adventures when it comes to their tech treks! When you register for a uCodeGirl summer tech camp, you will be part of the uCodeGirl: a community of like-minded girls, inspiring female role models/mentors, and a rich collection of programs & activities offered throughout the year.


Grades: 7-9, 10-12 (recommended)

Grades: 7-9, 10-12 (recommended)

Grades: 4-6 (recommended)

Date June 24-28, 2019 Ages 10-18
(must turn 10 by 12/31/2018)
Hours 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(Lunch & Snack Provided)
Skill Level Basic to Intermediate
Location NDSU College of Business, Fargo, ND Pre-requisite None
(Curious & Ready 4 Fun)



Electro Fusion

Electro Fusion

An electric fusion of circuits and digital storytelling with a dash of Near Field Communication, ElectroFusion is a blend of technology and the arts.  On the circuitry hemisphere, assemble interactive electronics and fashion your own wearable tech. On the digital storytelling side, compose your own story, create your own illustrations online, and code a published website designed by you to host them both with the help of knowledgeable mentors!

ElectroFusion offers you the creative environment to get comfortable with fundamental circuitry ideas, Web Development tools such as HTML and CSS, and the basics behind Near Field Communication.  In the process, grow your communication, inventiveness, and confidence with tech. Curious creator, we extend a cordial invitation to be creative AND technologically savvy with this uniquely artful mix of mediums!

Get Creative with Code
Date June 24-28, 2019 Grades 4-6 recommended
Hours 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(Lunch & Snack Provided)
Skill Level Basic to Intermediate
Location NDSU College of Business, Fargo, ND Pre-requisite None
(Curious & Ready 4 Fun)

What students learn

  • Web Development core tools - HTML & CSS

  • Fundamentals of circuits

  • Arduino

  • Programming general concepts

  • Near Field Communication

  • Design Basics

  • Digital Storytelling

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative problem-solving

  • Communication


Computer ScienceEducation week dec 4-10, 2017 (10).png

Tour de Tech

Tour de Tech

Take an adventurous ride through a jamboree of technology routes formatted in hands-on, fun-sized courses! Delve into topics such as Cybersecurity, Data Science, Near Field Communication, Virtual Reality, Drones, and Circuitry through unique, approachable projects. Throughout our five day journey, you will get to play with drones, create a personal music library, dip into artfully displaying data, build yourself a virtual space, and more!

This sample platter of relevant and powerful technologies will immerse you in all the possibilities of today’s tech and will give you the opportunity to acquire a collection of pivotal skills in a handful of fields to help you be successful in your technological trek.  Join our journey for a curiosity-quenching dose of creativity, critical thinking, and captivating concepts!

Get Fit with Code
Date June 24-28, 2019 Grades 7-12 recommended
Hours 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(Lunch & Snack Provided)
Skill Level Basic to Intermediate
Location NDSU College of Business, Fargo, ND Pre-requisite None
(Curious & Ready 4 Fun)

What students learn

  • Effective problem-solving

  • Critical thinking

  • Computer Science opportunities

  • STEM opportunities

  • Cybersecurity basics

  • Data Science basics

  • Virtual Reality basics

  • Drone basics

  • Circuit basics

  • Near Field Communication

  • Confidence with tech





Calling all creators! Come join us in TechnoPreneur to let your creativity take technological form by working with real customers to code real  solutions from pen and paper to computer. Through forging a social purpose website, learn about the Engineering Design Process, the importance of User Experience, how to create a successful User Interface, and the tools you can use to make ideas come to life by harnessing the power of our world’s technology.  

Hair products aren’t the only 2-in-1’s here: Technopreneur offers an opportunity to accrue valuable and applicable skills in both Web Development and in Entrepreneurship through firsthand experience, guided by skilled mentors. Gain knowledge about technologies at the nucleus of modern Web Development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Agile.  Even further, level up your Entrepreneurship skills by practicing critical thinking, creative problem-solving, prototyping, communicating technical information successfully, and more!

Date June 24-28, 2019 Grades 7-12 recommended
Hours 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(Lunch & Snack Provided)
Skill Level Basic to Intermediate
Location NDSU College of Business, Fargo, ND Pre-requisite None
(Curious & Ready 4 Fun)

What students learn

  • Intro to the Design Process

  • Conceptual Thinking

  • Collaboration

  • Prototyping

  • Web Development (HTML, CSS, JS)

  • User Experience Design

  • User Interface Design

  • Testing

  • Technical Communication

  • Entrepreneurship

